The pentagon are still holding back from making it allowable for females to work alongside males in special operations.
Two women are about to make history by becoming the first female soldiers to graduate from the Army’s exhausting Ranger School.They’re among the 96 students who will graduate from the intensive training program Friday in Fort Benning, Georgia. This was the first year the Army opened the course to women on a trial basis. But it’s not clear what awaits the female graduates.

Photos: Spec. Nikayla Shodeen and Pfc. Ebony Banks/ U.S. Army
Unlike the male graduates, the two women can’t apply to join the 75th Ranger Regiment, an elite special operations force. The Pentagon isn’t expected to make final decisions about exactly what combat roles women will be allowed to fill until later this year.
Source: Females pass Ranger School
The US Navy has said it is on track to open all ratings to women by next year, but this is the first indication that the SEALs are leaning toward accepting candidates. Greenert didn’t specify a timeline for allowing women candidates into BUD/S training.

Demi Moore In SEAL Movie GI Jane
The Navy is planning to open its elite SEAL teams to women who can pass the gruelling training regimen, the service’s top officer said Tuesday in an exclusive interview. Admiral Jon Greenert said he and the head of Naval Special Warfare Command, Rear Admiral Brian Losey, believe that if women can pass the legendary six-month Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, they should be allowed to serve.
One male commentator seemed very incensed by any tests being lowered, but a lot of women who attempt these courses don’t ask for special treatment.
Why should we lower the standards of our military to compensate for people’s inability to meet the initial requirements? Guess it’s happening. Fine, but when I’m on a long march beside a female Marine, I’m not carrying her 100lbs of shit when the fatigue is too much. Nobody will. Stupid F#$%ing feminists don’t understand how the real world works. Joe C – Video Comment
CNN News video talks about how Marine men have to do a minimum of 3 Pull Ups and 20 to make a perfect score. Marine Corps state that pull ups are better. Than any hanging type test. Women have to learn how to be physically capable to do pull ups as it has many applications on operations. This does not mean to say that women are not physically capable of being fit.
The facts are there are several cases where women have already been deployed in a semi-special-operations type roles. it is is just a smaller pool of females that maybe capable of hanging with the Tier One soldiers.

Staff Sgt. Kat Kaelin (left) and 1st Lt. Caroline Cleveland, Afghanistan 2012
In 2010, the Army created Cultural Support Teams, a secret pilot program to insert women alongside Special Operations soldiers battling in Afghanistan. The Army reasoned that women could play a unique role on Special Ops teams: accompanying their male colleagues on raids and, while those soldiers were searching for insurgents, questioning the mothers, sisters, daughters and wives living at the compound. Their presence had a calming effect on enemy households, but more importantly, the CSTs were able to search adult women for weapons and gather crucial intelligence. They could build relationships—woman to woman—in ways that male soldiers in an Islamic country never could.
World War II had its fair share of women doing extraordinary operations. The secret past of ‘shy and retiring’ pensioner Eileen Burgoyne was discovered, in the form of a sub-machine gun in her former home.

Spy From The Suburbs – Eileen Burgoyne
The surprise discovery of a fully-operational Sten sub-machine gun in her Twickenham house this week, by builders, led to a reassessment of her character as well as a bomb scare.
It turns out that Burgoyne had worked overseas for the Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre in the British-administered zone of Berlin in 1945. What this means is that she was probably a typist or translator during the questioning of Nazi prisoners after the war.
Source: World War II Female Spy
There was also a earlier report of a Muslim women attempting to try out for the British SAS, Azi Ahmed was brought up in in a devout Pakistani family in Manchester, When reading about the territorial army she became keen to join the SAS, at 26, she became part of the first group of women to train with the men.
Read More: Daily Mail
Females have also been noted to being very good and calm snipers, from Russian, Bosnia, Brazil and also now the Ukraine.
Tetyana’s husband Denis Yakovenko died last month during an artillery attack against his position – he was just 25-years-old. She says Denis enlisted in the military to defend his country and his family. After his death, Tetyana turned to one of Ukraine’s volunteer battalions to help her master the work of her deceased husband.
Read about another female sniper from the Ukraine: Ukraine Female Sniper
The debate will continue for some time and the majority of men in special operations units area against females being in special forces as that may add unnecessary variables.