Commando (Australian Documentary) Episode 2 of 4 from Scott on Vimeo.
Watch Australian Commandos Part One
A commando is an Australian who has decided to serve his country and to put himself in life or death situations for the good of Australia
– Major T 2nd Commando Regiment
Having successfully completed the special forces entry tests the remaining 92 candidates now under go one of the toughest courses in the Australian Army. After days of intense activity and challenges, the gruelling commando selection course continues with its most difficult period – Demarcation which is similar to the US Navy SEALs Hell Week. During the final four days of commando selection candidates are deprived of food and sleep. This final phase of selection will ultimately determine a candidates readiness to begin commando reinforcement training. Demarcation is designed to be tough to assess the mental toughness that each candidate brings and only the best will do. This is the period where the commando selection loses the most candidates.

Commando Selection is Tough, However Operations Can Be Harder.
Demarcation is a test of will power, the physicality of the men has already been established to be good enough to enter the course. This will be further developed over the reinforcement training. During demarcation the instructors expose the mental toughness of the candidates to ascertain each individual to make sure they want to be part of this elite unit. Problem solving is also through out the course, it makes it difficult to even complete the most simplest task whilst physically exhausted. Candidates are given scenarios that are based on operational tasks and at certain points each recruit is given control of a small team in order to assess their leadership skills as well as the other members ability to listen to instructions. During all courses commandos are trained for uncertainty and are encouraged to improvise.

Commandos must be adaptable and able to improvise.
Candidates who do not pass the Special Forces Screen Test or commando selection and are not recommended by the Selection Advisory Committee will be encouraged to undertake training for critical support trades within Special Forces (or within the general Army).
In summary, this phase of your training will get you to a point where you are assessed as suitable to commence the Commando Selection and Training Course. It will take you at least 27 weeks to reach this point, depending on the length of your recruit training.
Source: Australia Defence Jobs