Argentine Navy is able to purchase second-hand European submarines

The Argentine Navy is exploring the opportunity of buying a second-hand submarine. This was revealed by Rear Admiral Carlos María Allievi, Chief of the Common Employees of the Argentine Navy, throughout an interview with Pucará, an area protection information outlet. 

Photograph credit score: Wikipedia

Rear Admiral Allievi mentioned the challenges confronted by the Argentine naval forces, highlighting the absence of an lively operational submarine. He talked about, “We ship contingents of submarine officers and non-commissioned officers to the Peruvian Navy, which provides us the chance to go on board and apply,” indicating how they attempt to take care of the operational readiness of their submariners. 

Allievi famous that the French Scorpène-class submarine stands out as a powerful contender for the Argentine Navy. His feedback got here after reviewing the present state of their submarine acquisition undertaking. He defined that the Argentine navy is inspecting varied choices concerning the operational capabilities and prices of various submarine courses, with a eager eye on what Buenos Aires may need to funds.

French Scorpène-class sub will boost Philippine Navy's capability
Photograph credit score: Chilean Navy

Scorpène-class submarine is appropriate

“The Navy has carried out research and recognized the French-origin Scorpène submarine alongside the German 209 New Era submarine as potential choices. Within the Southern Cone, each Chile and Brazil function Scorpène submarines, whereas Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela use the 209 mannequin. Operationally, the Scorpène boasts superior capabilities, suggesting that buying it might set up a strategic stability within the area, bringing Argentina on par with Brazil and Chile,” famous Allievi.

He added, “Argentina views the Scorpène because the optimum alternative. Nonetheless, that doesn’t suggest a call has been reached but. The choice course of entails not solely technical and operational assessments but in addition the pursuit of exterior funding as directed by the Protection Minister.” 

Argentine Navy is ready to buy second-hand European submarines - Scorpene submarine
Photograph credit score: Twitter

Second-hand submarines from Europe

Notably, Buenos Aires goals to keep away from straining the nationwide funds with new acquisitions, particularly given the present financial situations. This method possible explains why Allievi talked about the potential funding in additional economical choices, akin to second-hand submarines.

“We’re looking out for a used submarine, which is kind of difficult as operational submarines are usually retained by navies till they’re prepared for reserve,” remarked the Argentinian rear admiral. “We’re exploring if any European nation plans to decommission submarines so we are able to negotiate,” Allievi added. 

Sweden boosts NATO by deploying its silent Gotland-class submarine
Photograph credit score: Swedish Armed Forces

ARA Santa Cruz

Presently, the Argentine Navy has two German submarines in reserve that aren’t in lively service. The fleet, together with the ARA Santa Cruz and ARA Salta, has encountered vital hurdles resulting in their inactivity. A significant component behind that is the dearth of ample upkeep and modernization over time. Monetary constraints and funds limitations have severely hindered the Navy’s capacity to maintain these submarines operational. 

The ARA Santa Cruz, a TR-1700 class submarine, has been particularly impacted by these challenges. Regardless of receiving a mid-life improve within the early 2000s, it has confronted a number of mechanical and technical points which have rendered it unfit for lively responsibility. The scarcity of assets to deal with these issues has solely worsened the scenario.

Argentine Navy is ready to buy second-hand European submarines Ara-Santa-Cruz-2
Photograph credit score: Flickr

ARA Salta

The ARA Salta, a Kind 209 submarine, grapples with related upkeep woes. Constructed-in the Nineteen Seventies, the Salta’s operation has been severely restricted in recent times as a result of its ageing techniques and the Argentine Navy’s lack of ability to hold out needed overhauls. Its outdated know-how and the excessive value of refurbishment have made its continued service impractical. 

No main incidents or accidents have instantly led to the decommissioning of the ARA Santa Cruz and ARA Salta. As a substitute, their inactivity stems primarily from extended neglect and inadequate funding within the Navy’s submarine fleet. The tragic lack of the ARA San Juan in 2017, one other TR-1700 class submarine, underscores the pressing want for improved upkeep and security protocols.


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